At our annual Gratitude Luncheon last month, CODA took the opportunity to thank our community friends and partners, and to highlight some of the ways we all collaborate to create innovative solutions to help improve our patients’ lives.

Attendees at the luncheon, held April 11th at Portland’s World Forestry Center, included representatives from Providence Health, Central City Concern, Washington County, and many more, as well as CODA staff members. The day’s speaker was Safina Koreishi, of CareOregon and Columbia Pacific CCO, who outlined to an attentive crowd how collective community action has created a recovery-oriented system of care that is making a substantial difference in addressing the substance use disorder crisis in Oregon’s North Coast.

A special highlight of the afternoon was the featured video, which presented a few of the ways CODA has been able to adapt to today’s complex hurdles and expand patient services by collaborating with our community partners. Featured in the video are:

  • The success of the Integrative Re-Entry Supervision Services (IRISS) and Family Sentencing Alternative Pilot (FSAP) programs, co-created by CODA and Washington County to help women and families enter recovery services instead of prison;
  • How CODA’s OTPs, in conjunction with Central City Concern’s Old Town Clinic, have been able to dramatically increase the numbers of patients being tested and treated for hepatitis C, with the ultimate goal of eliminating the disease in our community; and
  • Highlights of some of CODA’s partnerships with organizations that offer alternative, recovery-based treatments for patients, including Working Class Acupuncture and Go the Distance (pictured above).