Over the past two years, the Behavioral Health Division of Washington County has been developing the Center for Addictions Triage and Treatment (CATT): a new, coordinated substance use treatment center that offers rapid access to care and proven, culturally responsive treatments. On July 19, Washington County announced that CODA has been selected to provide services at one of CATT’s two sites, the Intensive Services Building in Beaverton.
The site plans to provide a combined total of 86 beds for an array of services including assessment and triage, stabilization, residential treatment, sobering, and withdrawal management—also known as detox.
“CODA is honored to have been selected for the CATT, and we are so impressed with the efforts to ensure it is inclusive, collaborative, and grounded in best practices,” said CODA Executive Director Alison Noice. “Bringing these critical services to Washington County means we will be one step closer to our vision of having “no wrong door” for those who are considering recovery.”
Over the next two years, staff from CODA and Washington County will work together on the facility and program design, with an aim toward opening by the end of 2024. More information is available on the CATT website.
The need for more substance use treatment programs is enormous. Oregon ranks 48th in the nation for access to care, and some services are not available at all in Washington County, especially for those who rely on publicly funded treatment. By expanding treatment access in the county, CODA will bring opportunity for healing to countless individuals and families, said Noice. “We are humbled to think of those who will now have a chance to begin recovery, where it may not have seemed possible before.”
“We are very excited to partner with CODA,” said CATT Project Manager Kristin Burke. “They have contributed to this project since the beginning, bringing great expertise and a real focus on improving the system of care. Their proposal demonstrated a commitment to bringing new, high-quality services to residents of Washington County.”