Below is a summary of changes to our operations as of 4/3/2020.
- Our Residential Programs in Gresham and Tigard are continuing to admit patients. We have lowered our total bed availability to ensure proper distancing and to prepare for the ability to isolate individuals if needed.
- Our Outpatient Programs have transitioned the majority of our services to telephone contacts; we are adding video capabilities soon. We are ensuring all patients who are prescribed medications as part of their treatment do not experience any interruption. All sites maintain a minimal amount of staffing in building to meet with patients who have urgent needs, though we strongly encourage current patients to connect with us by phone rather than in person. We are no longer offering group counseling sessions. At this time, we are not enrolling new patients but expect to do so again soon.
- Our Opioid Treatment Programs in Portland and Seaside remain open. New admissions are accepted on a walk-in basis, and all will be screened for symptoms prior to being evaluated. We are using Federal and State guidelines to reduce how often patients need to visit our clinic. Most patients will pick up medications from our clinics less frequently than prior to COVID-19, though because of our regulations this will not be the same for all.
In the last 3 weeks we have learned a ton about what we are capable of, and how important creativity and compassion are when so much is unknown. For those patients, staff, and supporters who have offered us a helping hand or just a kind word, we thank you.